Evaluation Software - Software

Tzar Map Editor

Image of the product:

Name of producer:


Type of product:

Tzar Maps editor

Cost of product:

9 euros

Website of producer:




Main aim of the software:

The goal of the editor is to give players the chance of setting their own games. Either as a single player or for multiplayers games, This editor let expert players configure and prepare alternative maps, thus extending not only the gameplay but also making the map editting a game itself


Map editor. Can model terrain, create and place units, buildgins resources. Create actions and rules. An action is something that the game makes during the game (eg. create an army of 50 soldiers in a specific place ) and rules are actions that are linked to some condition (If the player gold is above 500 send him the army created before)

What does the software allow you to do?:

With this bundled in Tzar software you can create maps with complex logic to be played with the TZAR game. This software allows you not only to model the terrain, place units or create buildings, but also allows rules and actions to happen. The map can be tailored to represent some historic battles.

What formats does the software uses or import and export?:

It doesn't import or export other file formats other than those of the game


Name of Evaluator:

Ignacio Pachés IES Simarro Xátiva

Role of Evaluator:

Computer programming Vocational Training Teacher



Date of Evaluation:



IES Doctor Lluis Simarro Lacabra IES Doctor Lluis Simarro Lacabra

This map editor was shown to me in the learnigame course. At fist, it deceived me, as I saw a finished map with very little elements on it. But After I was explained how it was done, I understood that this is a great tool that does not any miracle, so If I wanted to create a map I had to do some work. The given example, was just a small example, created in less than 20 minutes. I have been told that it is a bit uncomfortable to use in some advanced functions, but in the end, I see it as another alternative to create a realtime strategy game that has any interesting content Arantxa Pérez Workshop I