Tutorial Inkscape


About program interface

When you open the Inkscape program, you will see the program window (Fig.1).


The environment (Fig.1) consists of the following parts:

  1. Page - the drawing area. It can be extended outside the viewable area. It can be panned (scrolled left/right and up/down) and zoomed.
  2. Tool Box - contains �Tools� for selecting, drawing, or modifying objects. Clicking on an icon selects a tool. Double-clicking brings up that tool's preference dialog.
  3. Menu Bar - contains the main pull-down menus.
  4. Command Bar - contains shortcuts to many of the items located in the menus.
  5. Tool Controls - contains entry boxes and clickable icons that are specific to the selected tool (for example, when the Ellipse Tool is selected).
  6. Color Palette - contains a color palette. Colors can be dragged from the palette onto objects to change their Fill. Using the Shift key while dragging will change the Stroke color instead. The color used by some tools can be set by clicking on a color swatch.
  7. Layer Information � contains a layers list, icons that show if a layer is visible or not, and if a layer is locked or unlocked.
  8. Pointer Position � contains x and y coordinates of pointer positions.
  9. Zoom � contains a zoom entry field, where precise zoom value in % displayed.

Can be hidden using the View -> Show/Hide submenu.