
How to use the Chat

After clicking on the " Chat " link, you can begin your chat session by simply writing in the white line at the bottom of the chat window and clicking on the "Enter" button on your keyboard.

On opening, the chat the system will automatically assign you the nickname "Anonymous".

To change your nickname, type /nick followed by your nickname
For example: /nick Lorenzo
NB: Please remember to leave one space between "/nick" and your chosen nickname

If the nickname that you choose has already been registered you cannot use it and therefore should choose another one. We suggest you use your full name (name and surname)

For further information please see:

Download Chat plugin

Chat Support

Note: if you can't see the chat ensure you have installed Java Plug-in, then look at the Java Control Panel (right click on the systray icon) and check if Java is active on your browser.

Download Java Plugin