Evaluation Elearning Courses

In this section there is a collection of reviews of elearning based teaching materials, focusing on the main subject areas taught in European secondary schools. These contents could be transformed into educational videogames, after asking copyright permission to the authors of the courses themselves.


410 Search Result:

  • Mathe Online
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    - Lot of materials for mathematics
    - different knowledge levels
    - many pictures, interactive applets
    - descriptions and glossary
    - various tests
    - some videos
    - puzzles
    - links to many online tools of mathematics
    - PISA questions

  • Mechanics and Electronics
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Very interesting effort to make Mechanics and Electronics accessible and attractive through a high number of java based lessons and interactive exercises.

  • Mechanics and Electronics
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Iniziativa molto interessante per rendere la meccanica e l'elettronica accessibili e piacevoli attraverso un grande numero di lezioni java ed esercizi interattivi.

  • Molo: Molecular Logic
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Portale educativo molto ben sviluppato che si focalizza sulla chimica con un alto numero di lezioni, la maggior parte interative, indirizzate ai principali temi della chimica con attenzione specifica rivolta alle molecole.

  • Molo: Molecular Logic
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Very well developed educational Portal focusing on Chemistry, with a high number of lessons, mostly interactive based, to address the main themes about Chemistry with a specific focus on Molecules

  • Phet - Interactive Simulations
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    The website provide a consistent amount of interactive virtual simulation addressing different scientific issues as physics, biology, chemistry.
    The simulations are simple but effective in trasmitting the concepts.

  • Phet - Interactive Simulations
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    Il sito fornisce un gran numero di simulazioni virtuali interattive riguardo differenti campi scientifici come la fisica, la biologia, la chimica.
    Le simulazioni sono semplici ma molto efficaci nella trasmissione dei concetti.

  • Physics 2000
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    The product explores the most important discoveries in Physics through specific lessons and simulation of experiments.

  • Physics 2000
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Il prodotto esamina le scoperte più importanti della fisica attraverso lezioni specifiche e simulazioni di esperimenti.

  • Second World War
    Subject: History Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    The website provides information, bibliographic references, documents concerning World War II

  • Second World War
    Subject: History Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Il sito fornisce informazioni, riferimenti bibliografici e documenti riguardo la seconda guerra mondiale.

  • Smartenglish
    Subject: English Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    Smartenglish consists in a “motivational approach” to be developed in class and via the web (blended mode) within autonomy enjoyed by each individual school, to integrate the curriculum and support the recovery of missing credits in the English language.

  • Smartenglish
    Subject: English Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    Smartenglish consiste in un "approccio motivazionale" da sviluppare in classe e in rete(modalità blended) lasciando a ogni scuola piena autonomia, per integrare il curriculum e supportare il recupero delle lacune della lingua inglese.

  • Teachable.net
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    The portal provide access to a complete range of educational and training materials, examples and tools to be used by teachers and trainers with their students to address scientific issues

  • Teachable.net
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Il portale consente l'accesso a un gran numero di materiali istruttivi ed educativi e a esempi e strumenti utili per gli insegnanti e gli educatori in modo che possano affrontare questioni scientifiche insieme agli studenti.

  • The KDE Education Project
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Comprehensive set of educational applications addressing different themes and issues and available for different learners ages and needs

  • The KDE Education Project
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Insieme completo di applicazioni educative riguardo temi e materie differenti, disponibile per differenti bisogni ed età dei discenti.

  • The Math Page
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers all the topic

    The website provides access to courses, lessons, apps and didactic tools addressing the teaching and learning of Math, trygonometry, algebra and geometry

  • The Math Page
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers all the topic

    Il sito web fornisce l'accesso a corsi, lezioni, apps e strumenti didattici riguardo l'apprendimento della matematica, della trigonometria, dell'algebra e della geometria.

  • The Renaissance Connection
    Subject: Art Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    Monographic course on the Renaissance period

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