and SubjectA='Maths' Evaluation Elearning Courses, Learning Game

Evaluation Elearning Courses

In this section there is a collection of reviews of elearning based teaching materials, focusing on the main subject areas taught in European secondary schools. These contents could be transformed into educational videogames, after asking copyright permission to the authors of the courses themselves.


10 Search Result:

  • Mathe Online
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    - Lot of materials for mathematics
    - different knowledge levels
    - many pictures, interactive applets
    - descriptions and glossary
    - various tests
    - some videos
    - puzzles
    - links to many online tools of mathematics
    - PISA questions

  • The Math Page
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers all the topic

    The website provides access to courses, lessons, apps and didactic tools addressing the teaching and learning of Math, trygonometry, algebra and geometry

  • The Math Page
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers all the topic

    Il sito web fornisce l'accesso a corsi, lezioni, apps e strumenti didattici riguardo l'apprendimento della matematica, della trigonometria, dell'algebra e della geometria.

  • Who is scared of Maths
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    A very complete set of lessons on mathematics. The lessons are very similar to a printed manual with some added value based on the potential of hypertext

  • Who is scared of Maths
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Lezioni di matematica su un gran numero di argomenti. Le lezioni sono molto simili a quelle di un manuale cartaceo con il valore aggiunto delle potenzialità dell'ipertesto.

  • Games with Pictures, Numbers, Words
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Educational software developed under the program "Training and Specialist Officers and Teachers of Primary Education for People with Learning Difficulties"
    Early and systematic detection, evaluation and support of students with learning problems, speech and language and special educational needs.

  • Learn Math
    Languages: Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    Learn mathematics and how great ancient matheticians solve famous mathematical problems

  • Mathematics with Dynamic Geometry
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Partly covers topic

    The course focuses on the following subject areas: maths; IT; physics; economics;

  • Maths enhancement program
    Subject: Maths Size Of Course: Covers all the topic

    This is the website of the Mathematics Enhancement Programme and contains a wide range of teaching materials for maths teaching at all levels.

  • The art and the gold number (phi number)
    Subject: Maths

    This site explains the gold number and its existence in arts.
    The skill required is elementary handling of the computer.
    The topics covered are : history – glossary – examples in the arts, animals and humans, in the flora…