and SizeOfCourseA='Coversmostoftopic' Evaluation Elearning Courses, Learning Game

Evaluation Elearning Courses

In this section there is a collection of reviews of elearning based teaching materials, focusing on the main subject areas taught in European secondary schools. These contents could be transformed into educational videogames, after asking copyright permission to the authors of the courses themselves.


60 Search Result:

  • Mobiletuts+ Lessons - Corona SDK
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Μάθηση του Corona SDK μέσα από παραδείγματα

  • Ansca Video Tutorials
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Μάθηση του Corona SDK

    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    The Portal offers a wide range of different teaching and learning material focused on Chemistry. Both teachers and learners can find ICT based lessons, exercises, didactic scenarios to be used for better understanding Chemistry.

    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Il portale offre un gran numero di differenti materiali inerenti la chimica utili per insegnare e apprendere la materia. Insegnanti e discenti posono trovare lezioni basate sull'ICT, esercizi e scenari didattici da usare per favorire la comprensione della chimica.

  • EnglishVideogrammar
    Subject: Languages Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    The course is based on video lessons and explanatory text aimed at providing the learner with the grammar basics of the English language.

  • EnglishVideogrammar
    Subject: Languages Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Il corso è basato su video lezioni e testi che spiegano ai discenti le basi grammaticali della lingua inglese.

  • Eurobusiness Language Skills
    Subject: Languages Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    The language training package is addresses to those willing to acquire language skills in a business context.
    5 language courses are available: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish.
    Each course is divided in 2 levels: intermediate and advanced.
    Each level also contains 10 units covering topics from greeting clients on the phone to organizing business trips in every language. Also included are interactive activities for users to put that recently learned knowledge to use.

  • Eurobusiness Language Skills
    Subject: Languages Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Il pacchetto di istruzione è indirizzato a coloro che vogliono acquisire abilità linguistiche nel contesto degli affari.
    Sono disponibili cinque diverse lingue: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo.
    Ogni corso è diviso in due livelli: intermedio e avanzato.
    Ogni livello, inoltre, contiene dieci unità che trattano argomenti che vanno dal modo in cui salutare i clienti al telefono all'organizzazione di viaggi d'affari in ogni lingua. Sono incluse anche attività interattive per mettere in pratica le conoscenze appena acquisite dagli utenti.

  • History of Computers and informatics
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    This is a well-structured course about the history of computer and informatics. It is divided in topics which deal with exhaustive reconstructions of technologies history.

  • History of Computers and informatics
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Questo è un corso sulla storia del computer e dell'informatica ben strutturato. È diviso in argomenti che trattano ricostruzioni esaustive della storia delle tecnologie.

  • Lessons of informatics
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    The product consists in a series of web based lessons addressing the basic of informatics

  • Lessons of informatics
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Il prodotto consiste in una serie di lezioni sul web riguardo le basi dell'informatica.

  • Level 330 Grammar Topics - English Course
    Subject: Languages Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Collection of lessons and interactive exercises for learning English. The lessons deal with the main grammar topics and provide different exercise to test the comprehension of the lessons contents

  • Level 330 Grammar Topics - English Course
    Subject: Languages Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Raccolta di lezioni ed esercizi interattivi per imparare l'inglese. Le lezioni trattano i principali argomenti di grammatica e forniscono diversi esercizi per verificare la comprensione dei contenuti delle lezioni.

  • Materials and technology for Hard Disks
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    It is a easy to access yet in depth course on how Hard Disk are made and how they work. Very simple in the structure, contains a lot of reliable information

  • Materials and technology for Hard Disks
    Subject: IT Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    È un corso facile e approfondito su come sono fatti e come funzionano gli hard disk. Molto semplice nella struttura, contiene tante informazioni affidabili.

  • Mechanics and Electronics
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Very interesting effort to make Mechanics and Electronics accessible and attractive through a high number of java based lessons and interactive exercises.

  • Mechanics and Electronics
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Iniziativa molto interessante per rendere la meccanica e l'elettronica accessibili e piacevoli attraverso un grande numero di lezioni java ed esercizi interattivi.

  • Molo: Molecular Logic
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Portale educativo molto ben sviluppato che si focalizza sulla chimica con un alto numero di lezioni, la maggior parte interative, indirizzate ai principali temi della chimica con attenzione specifica rivolta alle molecole.

  • Molo: Molecular Logic
    Subject: Science Size Of Course: Covers most of topic

    Very well developed educational Portal focusing on Chemistry, with a high number of lessons, mostly interactive based, to address the main themes about Chemistry with a specific focus on Molecules

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